Leadership Qualities A Successful Leader Must Possess.

 The  Major Attributes Of Personal Initiative

The choice to read , study and apply worthwhile reading material will help decide whether you are successful or just wonder what happened. Successful people need no alibis while unsuccessful people make excuses for their place in life. Make the choice to be a faithful reader and encourage those close to you to do the same.....

Personal initiative heads the list of qualities a successful leader must possess. These qualities are:

  • Personal initiative   

  • The adoption of a definite major purpose
  • A motive to inspire continuous action in pursuit of a definite major purpose.
  • A master mind alliance through which you may acquire the power to attain your definite purpose.
  • Self - reliance in proportion to the scope and object of your major purpose.
  • The capacity for applied faith.
  • Patience with subordinates and associates.
  • The habit of following through with any task once begun.
  • The habit of emphasizing thoroughness instead of speed.

There are qualities of minor importance which leadership in many fields of endeavor may require , but those listed above are on the must list of all able leaders. Measure any successful leader by the list and observe how many traits he applies,although he may do so unconsciously.

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  1. Leadership qualities listed above are interesting, especially the first one, taking initiatives as if task is personal. Owning the task itself is more than half done.
    Another important quality in today's context could be, resourcefulness.

  2. ATTENDRA BARTARIYAApril 18, 2021 at 1:29 AM

    Knowledge hub is really very much interesting The topics you have selected are very nice. Good going


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